How to Find an Emergency Dentist in South London?

Often we find ourselves in need of an emergency dentist but don’t know where to go, leaving us feeling anxious and desperate to find an emergency dentist in South London.

Stay until the end to find out more information about dental emergencies and how to deal with them if you live in South London.

Difference between dental emergency and dental urgency

In general, a dental emergency is more serious than a dental urgency.

A dental emergency endangers a person’s life and requires immediate attention from a hospital or clinic that can save your life.

A dental urgency, on the other hand, is a sharp pain or discomfort caused by teeth, gums, and the oral cavity in general, which requires immediate attention to prevent these symptoms from becoming more severe.

If you want to learn more about this, we invite you to check out some tips for identifying what counts as a dental emergency or urgency, and also, if you’re looking for a Latin dentist for your dental treatments and emergencies, you can find what you were looking for here.

At Condor Dent, you will find dentists near London Bridge

If you live in London and live or work further south of the city, you should know that at Condor Dent you will find dentists near London Bridge who can help you not only with your dental emergencies but also with all your functional and aesthetic treatments.

You should keep in mind that in our dental clinic, we do not have a 24/7 schedule at our physical facilities, but we do have an emergency dentist in South London and a dentist who can attend to your emergency via WhatsApp. That means, we can guide you according to your condition and symptoms at the time you contact us, so that you can mitigate your dental pain a little or immediately turn to a closer health institution.

Recognize the most common dental emergencies

The most common dental emergencies are varied. We mention them below so that you can identify them and know who to turn to in each case:

  • Toothache and gum pain
  • Fracture or breakage of a dental piece
  • Loss of a dental piece
  • Loss of a filling or crown
  • Dental abscess
  • Loose tooth
  • Broken or dislocated jaw
  • Excessive bleeding or pain after a dental extraction
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Post-surgery infections

Remember that if you suffer from any of the mentioned conditions, you can contact us via WhatsApp, where we will guide you in the procedure to follow depending on each case and your general health conditions.

¿How to avoid dental emergencies?

As we have always understood, a dental emergency is an accidental and fortuitous event; however, we can take some precautions to avoid suffering them.

Below, we will give you some tips to keep in mind in your day-to-day life:

  • If you practice any contact sport such as rugby, boxing, American football or other sports with a lot of physical contact, use a mouthguard or gum shield.
  • Avoid consuming very hard foods or using your teeth as a tool to open or uncover certain packages.
  • When traveling in a car, always use the seatbelt so that, in case of an accident, it will stop you and avoid a hard blow to the mouth or other sensitive parts of the body.
  • Cut off bad habits like biting your nails, biting pencils or putting elements in your mouth that can affect your teeth, hurt your gums, palate, or tongue.
  • Visit the dentist regularly, at least once a year, as this check-up can detect some diseases or conditions such as bruxism that can easily fracture your teeth.

We invite you to contact us so that we can make a general assessment of your dental health and help you avoid suffering a dental emergency or urgency. However, if you do suffer from any of the above, you know that we can also help you with dentists near London Bridge.

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