Why choose Condor Dent?

We opt for conservative dentistry and use what is best for our clients

Why choose us?

At Condor Dent, we opt for conservative dentistry. Which means that we tend to treat and preserve the original teeth, even in orthodontics, since we work with the latest in dental technology and low-friction systems, which allows us to avoid any type of extraction.

In addition, our digital radiology services make it easier for us to obtain quality images of the oral cavity, which is beneficial as it helps prevent any type of oral problem. For x-rays that require more detail, we have the necessary equipment such as; orthopantomography and teleradiography. We use implants with the Straumann system, which, thanks to their osseointegration process, have much better durability and success.

Why we use:

  • Minimum Friction Systems
  • Quality materials
  • The latest technologies
  • Digital radiology devices
  • For radiographs that require more detail; X-Ray Tube
  • Orthopantomography and Teleradiography for orthodontic cases
  • Straumann implants

We have it all! ​

Our main goal is that during your visit, you feel as comfortable as possible. Therefore, our waiting room is soundproofed, which will allow you to relax during your wait.

Book your first valuation appointment

In our Condor Dent clinics we have a wide variety of dental treatments, so you can be sure to entrust your smile to our specialists.

Or give us a call

02080012373 - 07445408884 - 07460595911


Unit 1, Holles House,

Overton Road Brixton,

SW9 7AP, London UK

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