Everything you need to know about All on Four implants

Hello, I’m Dr. Luis Hernán, an expert implantologist at Condor Dent, and in this comprehensive guide, I’m going to show you everything you need to know about All on Four implants, from what they are, how the procedure works, post-care, and much more information that I will provide clearly and punctually to help you better understand this type of procedure. Let’s get started.

What is All on Four?

The “All on Four” procedure is an advanced technique for restoring a full smile with just four dental implants per arch. This solution is not only efficient but also cost-effective, especially considering the high cost of living in the UK. At Condor Dent, we offer this innovative treatment, allowing patients to regain the functionality and aesthetics of their smile in less time compared to traditional methods.

How is the procedure for placing All on Four implants?

Here you will understand the step-by-step process we will follow when performing the procedure.

Step 1: Initial Consultation and Planning

The first step is a detailed consultation with Dr. Luis Hernán, who will evaluate the dental and bone health of the patient. During this phase, examinations such as 3D CBCT scans are performed to obtain an accurate image of the jaw and determine the feasibility of the procedure.

Step 2: Preparation

Before the procedure, additional preparation may be required such as extractions of damaged teeth or bone graft treatments if the patient does not have enough jawbone. This step is crucial to ensure the stability of the implants.

Step 3: Implant Placement

During the surgery, which is usually done under local anesthesia, four titanium implants are placed at strategic points in the jaw. Two implants are placed in the front of the jaw vertically, and the other two are placed in the back, angled up to 45 degrees to maximize the use of existing bone.

Step 4: Fixation of the Provisional Prosthesis

Immediately after placing the implants, a provisional dental prosthesis is fixed. This allows the patient to leave the clinic with a functional smile on the same day of the procedure. The provisional prosthesis also helps in the proper healing of the tissues around the implants.

Step 5: Osseointegration Period

The process of osseointegration begins, where the bone grows around the implants, integrating them as part of the jaw. This process can last from three to six months, during which the patient should follow a soft diet and attend regular check-ups.

Step 6: Definitive Prosthesis

Once the implants are fully integrated into the bone, a final impression is taken to make the definitive prosthesis. This prosthesis is more durable and aesthetic, designed to fit perfectly and offer functionality similar to natural teeth.

Step 7: Follow-up and Maintenance

After the installation of the definitive prosthesis, regular follow-up at Condor Dent is important. This includes professional cleanings and check-ups to ensure that the implants and prosthesis remain in good condition.

This “All on Four” procedure offers an effective and long-lasting solution for those who have lost most or all of their teeth, allowing them to enjoy a new smile in a relatively short time. At Condor Dent, we are committed to providing exceptional care every step of the way.

Advantages of All on Four implants

Quick Recovery

By using only four implants, the recovery time is significantly shorter.


Compared to treatments that require more implants, “All on Four” is more accessible. At Condor Dent, the cost of this treatment is transparent and competitive within the UK market.

Stability and Comfort

Patients enjoy a permanent solution that feels and functions like natural teeth.

Disadvantages of this type of implants

While the “All on Four” procedure offers numerous advantages and has revolutionized dental restoration for many patients, it also has certain disadvantages that are important to consider before opting for this option. Here are some of the disadvantages associated with “All on Four” implants:

1. Specific Bone Health Requirements

Although one of the benefits of “All on Four” is that it may require less bone grafting than other methods, it still requires a minimum amount of healthy bone for implant placement. Patients with significant bone loss may not be ideal candidates without additional bone graft procedures.

2. Immediate Loading Risks

Placing a temporary prosthesis immediately after implantation can lead to complications if the implants do not fully integrate or if too much pressure is exerted on them during the healing process.

3. Less Flexibility in Implant Placement

Using only four implants provides less flexibility in distributing the load, which can be problematic if one of the implants fails. This could compromise the entire prosthesis, unlike methods that use more implants and allow for a more effective redistribution of chewing forces.

Post-implant Care

After receiving dental implants through the “All on Four” procedure, it is crucial to follow certain care guidelines to ensure proper healing and longevity of the implants. In this practical infographic, you will find the recommendations we give at Condor Dent to take care of your new implants:

1. Rigorous Oral Hygiene

Brushing: Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled brush. Make sure to clean around the implants and the prosthesis to remove plaque.

Flossing: Use special implant floss or interdental brushes to clean under and around the prosthesis.

Mouthwash: Use an antibacterial mouthwash to help keep your mouth clean and free of infections.

2. Avoid Certain Foods

During the first few weeks after surgery, it is important to consume soft foods to avoid putting pressure on the new implants. Avoid hard, sticky, or very crunchy foods that may damage the prosthesis or displace the implants.

3. No Smoking

Smoking can significantly interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications. It is recommended to quit smoking before the procedure and during the recovery period.

4. Avoid Strenuous Physical Activities

During the first 24-48 hours after surgery, avoid engaging in intense physical activities that may increase blood pressure and cause bleeding or swelling.

5. Pain and Swelling Management

You may experience some pain and swelling after surgery. Use the medications prescribed by your dentist to manage the pain and apply cold compresses to the affected area to reduce swelling.

6. Attend All Follow-up Appointments

It is essential to attend all scheduled follow-up appointments so that the dentist can monitor the healing progress and make adjustments to the prosthesis if necessary.

7. Report Any Anomalies

If you experience unusual pain, persistent bleeding, or any other concerning symptoms, contact Condor Dent immediately. It is important to address any issues as soon as possible to avoid complications.

By following these post-operative care instructions, patients can enjoy the long-term benefits of their “All on Four” implants, maintaining optimal function and pleasant aesthetics of their new smile. At Condor Dent, we are committed to supporting you at every step of your recovery.

Why Choose Condor Dent?

Dr. Hernán and our team at Condor Dent understand the needs of our Latin community in the UK. We know that every smile is unique, which is why we offer personalized treatments. Our focus is always on patient well-being and satisfaction, ensuring that each visit is comfortable and every treatment is successful.

If you are considering dental implants or want to learn more about the “All on Four” procedure, do not hesitate to contact us. At Condor Dent, we are here to help you achieve the smile you have always desired. Visit us and discover why so many in the Latin community trust Dr. Luis Hernán and our expert team.

Your smile is our passion at Condor Dent!

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